Butt earns a well deserved round of applause for coming up with a score devoid of all the clichés of contemporary movie scoring…
This fine music is well worth the wait.
Talking of notes, the music score is excellent…
It’s one of the most impressive scores I’ve heard all year…
To be frank, anything Edmund Butt does is fantastic, but Survivors really jumped out for me…
‘An Adventure in Space & Time’s‘ score is beautiful music. Neither too maudlin, nor too hopeful but full of heart; the perfect ‘so long then’. Play it in the background the next time you have to drop someone off at the airport. You won’t even make it to the ticket barrier before bursting into tears.
This is the kind of cue to listen to on the way to the beach when you’re feeling melancholic and in love.
Here’s a nice reminder that one of the BBC’s best BAFTA-winning shows hasn’t been recommissioned: It’s Butt’s soundtrack to that BAFTA-winning BBC show ‘In The Flesh‘.
Making Adventure was a wonderful experience. The whole team were absolutely dedicated to the project, going the extra mile (or parsec) to create that smoggy early 60s world where so much seemed (and was) suddenly possible. And none more so than Edmund Butt whose gorgeous score is one of the highlights of the film. I’ve been completely overwhelmed by the response to the film. It was a very special project from the outset and I know Ed’s soundtrack will continue to thrill and delight for, well, the rest of space and time…
Like a musical anatomist, Butt is a composer able to reach through your ears and tug at your heartstrings.
I can’t even imagine why no one released this back in 2009 because it would be just as great then as it is now. It would in fact be great for any year and any decade, that’s how great it can be. So please do yourself a favour and buy this CD. It’s well worth it and then some…
A near-perfect dramatic presentation of words and performance embossed by award-winning composer Butt (best known for Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes) and his melodies for times long gone and well-remembered. His is a musical achievement that made a heartfelt story all the more engrossing.
If you are a fan of the show (In The Flesh) then I don’t need to tell you what a great purchase this is. I’m not a fan of the show (yet), as I’ve seen only one episode, but I’m definitely a fan of the music.
Think of ‘In the flesh‘ as a fantasy. The music makes me do that with its subtle inflections and alluring echoes. ‘The second coming‘ is so beautiful…
His warm score is a real joy, hitting just the right balance between a kind of nostalgic glow and a vibrant and vital sense of adventure and excitement.
The chamber-like quality of much of his music is very engaging. I recommend it.
…Edmund’s score had me fighting back the tears….. a fight that I lost.
Not many scores [Yellowstone] can lift me like this or contain this kind of powerful orchestral music that just never goes out of style…
I’ve only heard a couple of his scores, but he strikes a chord with me……..we should hear his music a lot more.
Butt and Keaton Henson’s work makes for an album that is beautiful for the ears and bittersweet for the soul, and it’s worth your time.
The score has a cheeky irreverence, a drive, a personality and a sense of fairytale wonder and emotion to it. I cannot recommend highly enough.
Edmund’s music fills my heart with joy.
Edmund Butt’s “Yellowstone” is an absolute delight. It’s grand, lush, melodic… beautifully written, orchestrated and performed. Yet, for all its grandeur, it is also beautifully restraint. It’s perfectly balanced and an absolute joy to listen to, over and over again.
“Secret Smile”
…With the best of them….Edmund Butt’s atmospheric score….
Edmund Butt brings something brand new to Doctor Who, but it makes you realise that it would have been a catastrophe had he never had the chance to score An Adventure in Space and Time because no one else could have done the job so wonderfully.
I’m getting emotional writing this as the notes flow through my head and I have it on my iPhone on repeat…
‘Anthony’ traverses, in reverse, an imagined expanse of seven years, looking at the potential that was robbed from 18-year-old Anthony Walker when he was murdered in a vicious racist attack in 2005 –
Annabel Nugent – Independent **** – July 2020
I am left with a peaceful feeling inside and, I must admit, a bit intrigued about the show the score was written for.
Butt has created a tone poem which falls about you like an eerie mist in an overwhelmingly concrete village. It’s at once both beautiful and disquieting.
Re-imagining a life cut short by hate – Jimmy McGovern’s drama about Anthony Walker is a beautiful, harrowing look at the life the teenager might have led had he not been murdered in a racist attack.
Lucy Mangan – The Guardian – 5/5*****
A moving tribute to a man who deserves to be remembered. Jimmy McGovern’s drama took an unusual approach in depicting the real-life racist murder of Anthony Walker.
Anita Singh – The Telegraph – 4/5****
Butt’s music renewed my determination to listen to as many film and TV scores I can. I wouldn’t want to miss a composition like this.
..spectacular and inviting… Yellowstone is one of those beautiful and exquisite scores that will leave a mark.
There’s none of the bog-standard Hollywood horror cliches here….. instead we get real music, well composed and realised in this fine score….
Butt has achieved the impossible, by delivering more impressive and heart wrenching segments of music than most established and respected composers manage in a decade of scoring. 10/10.
…So good to hear such complex music in a comparatively low-budget film such as “The Dark”
‘An Adventure in Space & Time’ is possibly the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard and defied my expectations. Butt showed that he can cater for a quantity of varying emotional responses.
It has a cheeky irreverence, a drive, a personality and a sense of fairytale wonder and emotion to it. I cannot recommend highly enough.